PhD student at UMD
I am currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Physics at the University of Maryland. See my CV.
See my Google Scholar, arXiv
This list is not meant to be comprehensive.
I created qubovert, a Python package for dealing with binary optimization problems. It is particularly designed to aid in converting optimization problems to a form that can be solved with quantum annealers and quantum optimization algorithms. I also used it as a way to learn more about best software practices, such as continuous integration, code coverage, code quality, etc.
I am the author of pull request number 10648 on Python’s SciPy package. My contribution is included in the 1.5.0 release and later releases. The pull request implements an additional feature for SciPy’s minimization method. In my research of variational quantum algorithms, I devised a bounded version of the standard unbounded Powell minimization method and found to often perform much better than the other gradient-free minimizers. I then implemented this variant in SciPy’s software stack and created the pull request.
I created qusetta, a Python package for translating between different quantum circuit representations, while I was at QC Ware.
To learn about quantum computing, quantum algorithms, and C++, I coded a quantum computer simulator and implemented many quantum algorithms, such as Shor’s factorization algorithm, Grover’s search algorithm, etc.
Calibrating reviews from multiple reviewers over the course of multiple days with improvement taken into account.
A HTML/CSS/Javascript website hosted with GitHub pages to easily track ice hockey stats and keep notes while watching somebody play. The site stores cookies so that statistics are remembered even if the browser is closed.
A little HTML/CSS/Javascript website hosted with GitHub pages to determine the distance you are from the green.
I provide a general overview of implicit versus explicit and single- versus multi-step steppers for numerically solving differential equations. I implemented dozens of methods in Julia which are included at the end of the paper (see the link). I explore several interesting systems, including geodesics around Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes, motion of a Kapitza pendulum, E cross B drift of a charged particle in perpendicular electric and magnetic fields, etc. See the report and code on the GitHub page.
Published Android application called “Distance to Green” on the Google Play store under the developer name “Eigenjoe” with monetized adds from AdMob. See the link for more information.
A simple javascript file hosted on my site to easily add comments to a blog by hosting the comments on Github pages.